Friday, May 23, 2008

Amnesty Amendment Added to Iraqi War Funding Bill

People here is a clue for you,deport them and lock up people who hire them,sell them anything or gives them a place to live.

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today announced that she would oppose a motion to limit debate on the AgJOBS bill, saying that the bill, as it is currently drafted, would be a magnet for illegal immigration.
But because she supports efforts to help individuals who have worked in U.S. agriculture for many years and who have been upstanding members of society, she also announced plans to offer four amendments to the bill (if it receives 60 votes and debate is limited).
The amendments would:
:Increase the time necessary for eligibility to receive temporary residence status from 100 work days to three years;
:Increase the time necessary for eligibility to receive permanent residence status from 360 work days to five years;
:Prohibit those convicted of crimes from receiving benefits under the bill; and
:Prohibit those outside the United States from applying for benefits under the bill.
Full Story

Hello,,people of Sacramento your village idiot is back in D.C. please return her to the nut house ASAP,we have enought moonbats of our own .

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